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Sardar Patel University
Sardar Patel University (SPU) was established in December 1955 and was recognised under the UGC Act in October 1968. Sardar Patel University comprises of 27 Postgraduate Departments, a constituent college, and 148 colleges affiliated to it. There are 31 PG courses available in the affiliated colleges/institutions. The teaching programme covered at Postgraduate level under various faculties such as Science, Arts, Commerce, Management, Engineering, Pharmacy, Medicine, Homeopathy, Home Science, Law and Education includes Postgraduate Degree Courses, Postgraduate Diploma Courses, Diploma Courses, and Advanced Certificate Courses. Undergraduate Courses are taught in the colleges or institutes affiliated to the University.
Besides conventional methods used for classroom teaching, modern methodologies like seminars, group discussions, visits to industries and institutions, and tools such as overhead projectors, multimedia projectors, a variety of audio-visual aids are exploited for effective teaching and instruction.
Regeneration of rural Indian life with the application of the study and research in all the disciplines of knowledge in tune with the modern global developments.
Sardar Patel University envisages blossoming of human potential through:
- Nurturing of talent, skill, and scientific temper.
- Creation of knowledge.
- Incubation of wisdom.
- Sustenance of blithesome spirit.
- To serve the rural population by providing them with access to higher education.
- To continually explore new frontiers in the areas of Science and Technology.
- To constantly set and reach new levels of achievement in research in areas within Humanities and Social Science.
- To continue to focus on thrust areas in all the disciplines through indigenous research and collaborative ventures at the international level. To become a financially vibrant and sound institution of international standard.
Faculties of Sardar Patel University
- Faculty of Arts
- Faculty of Science
- Faculty of Home Science
- Faculty of Business Studies
- Faculty of Management Studies
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Homeopathy
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Academic Programs of Sardar Patel University
Undergraduate Programs
- B.A.
- B.S.W.
- B.Music/B.Dance/D.Music/D.Dance
- B.Com
- B.Com. (H)
- B.B.A. (General)
- B.B.A. (ITM)
- B.B.A. (ISM)
- B.B.A. (FT)
- B.B.A. (HT/TTM)
- B.B.A. (HT)
- B.Sc.
- B.Sc. (Home Science)
- B.Sc.(Nursing)
- B.C.A.
- B.Ed.
- B.Ed. (English)
- Bachelor of Visual Arts
- B.Arch/B.Arch(Interior Design)
- L.L.B
- L.L.B. (Special)
- D.T.P/D.L.P
- B.H.M.S.
- M.B.B.S.
- Nursing/Post Basic B.Sc Nursing
- DMLT/ B.Sc occupational Therapy
- D.M.L.T
- B.Physio.
- B.Sc. (MT)
- B.Sc. (PA)
Postgraduate Programs
- M.Lib.
- M.A. (HRD)
- M. A.
- Gujarati
- Hindi
- English
- English ELT
- Sanskrit
- Economics
- History
- Sociology
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Communication & Media Studies
- Master of Arts. (Labour Welfare)
- Journalism and Mass Communication
- Business Economics
- MSc
- Electronics
- Electronics & Communication
- Material Science & Technology
- NanoScience & NanoTechnology
- Statistics
- Mathematics
- BioTechnology
- Botany
- Zoology
- Microbiology
- BioChemistry
- Industrial BioTechnology
- Chemistry
- Analytical Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
- InOrganic Chemistr
- Physical Chemistry
- Industrial Polymar Chemistry
- Physics
- BioInformatics
- Food & Nutrition
- Textiles & Clothing
- Human Developement
- Food Biotechnology
- Information Technology
- Forensic Science
- Genetics
- Polymer Science & Technology
- Surface Coating Technology
- Environment Science Technology
- Renewable Energy (System Technology)
- Oils, Fats & Waxes
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Bio-Medical Science & Technology
- Geoinformatics
- Defence Science
- Real Estate
- Industrial Chemistry
- Bio-Informatics
- Applied Science
- Quality & Productivity Management
- M. Com.
- M.Ed.
- Master of Planning
- L. L. M.
- Master of hospitality and tourism management
- M.D.
- PGDCA In Accounting
- Diploma Courses in Fashion Design in Fashion and Merchandising, Early Childhood Care and Education, Fashion Design.
- PG Course in Library Networking and Digital Technology
- Analytical Chemistry
- Polymer Science
- PG Diploma in Linguistics
- Functional Hindi
- Drama & Dramatics
- Teaching of English
- Translation Studies
- Financial Statistics
- Post Graduate Diploma in MAs Communication And Journalism
- Financial Statistics
- PG Diploma in Guidance & Counselling (PGDGC)
- PG Diploma in Hospital Management
The following subjects are offered in MPhil:
Gujarati, Hindi, Sanskrit, English, Psychology, Economics, History, Sociology, Political Science,
Physics, Mathematics, Statistics, Library Science, Business Studies (Commerce), Computer Science,
Social Work, Chemistry, ELT, Education.
Integrated Courses
- Integrated Biotechnology
- Integrated Information Technology
- B.A.LL.B. ,
- B.B.A.LL.B.
Research in Sardar Patel University
The University also offers a wide range of research and development facilities. The thrust areas include Polymer Chemistry, Materials Science, Bio-Science, Management, Electronics, Computer Application, etc.
Admission in Sardar Patel University
- All applications should be submitted online.
- A candidates having UGC-CSIR / NET / INSPIRE FELLOWSHIP / SLET / DBT / ICMR /GA / JRF, Other National Research Fellowship qualified are exempted from the Entrance Test and need to fill up under Non Entrance Test Category.
- The Application Processing Fee and Entrance Test Fees can be remitted through Online payment only.
- The Application and Entrance Test Fees will not refunded.
- The hard copy of online application form duly completed in all respect should be sent Personally or
- thorough Registered/ speed post only, so as to reach before last date of receipt of application form on the University address.
Contact Details
Sardar Patel University
Vallabh Vidyanagar-388120
Gujarat, India