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Raksha Shakti University was established in 2009 to prepare the youth of the state for becoming effective and efficient security personnel. The Raksha Shakti University is a unique and first of its kind in India for conducting certificate, diploma and degree courses in the field of Police science and internal security.
One of the main objectives of the University is to train and prepare manpower to tackle the upcoming challenges of various types of offences such as terrorism, economic offences, cyber crime, telecommunication offences and the offences requiring expertise in forensic science.
Academic Programs for Students
Undergraduate Programs
Certificate course in Photography (Three Months)
Diploma in Police Science
Bachelor of Arts In Security Management (Gujarati Medium)
Bachelor of Arts In Security Management (English Medium)
Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering) (CSE) with specialization in Cyber Security)
Postgraduate Programs
Post Graduate Diploma in Police Science (PGDIPS)
Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Security (PGDIS)
Master of Arts In Criminology (M.A.(Crim.))
Master of Arts In Police Administration (M.A. (PA))
Master of Technology In Cyber Seurity (M.Tech. (CS))
Master in Law in Crime & Security Laws (LL.M. (C&SL)
Master of Philosophy in Criminology
Master of Philosophy in Police Administration
M Phil/PhD
Master of Philosophy in Criminology
Master of Philosophy in Police Administration
Internal Security & Management
Information Security and Cyber Security
Academic Programs for Students for in-service Personnel
Computer Course on Police Applications
Crime Scene Management
Tourism Policing
Coastal Security Policing
Preventive & Investigative Photography
Raksha Shakti University Library
The Raksha Shakti University Library which has a collection of more than 6,000 books is valuable source of information for students, faculty members, researchers and other stakeholders of the University. Following are the major specialised subjects on which books are available:
Academic & Research Books
Crime & Criminology
Police Administration
Forensic Science
Cyber Security
Computer Application
Criminal Laws
Human Rights
Homeland/Internal Security
Admission in Raksha Shakti University
Admission in BA Security Management course is done on the basis of score in the qualifying examination.
For B.Tech, candidates need to have a valid score in JEE Main or GUJCET.
For MA, LLM, M.Sc. and M.Tech. a graduation degree in the respective field is mandatory for making an application.
M.Tech selection will be based on valid GATE/ GPAT score or PGCET score.
For applying to doctorate degree, M.Phil. and Ph.D., the candidate must have obtained Masters’ in the related field with at least 55% marks.
The candidates with UGC (NET/JRF) will be selected for M.Phil based on merit. In case, the candidate has not appeared for any of these tests, he/she will have to sit for an entrance test conducted by the university.