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Kamdhenu University
Kamdhenu University was established by the Government of Gujarat vide Gujarat Act No.9 of 2009 which is referred to as "the Kamdhenu University Act, 2009". The University is established and incorporated by the state Government as teaching and affiliated University for the development of Veterinary and Animal Sciences and for furthering the advancement of learning, conducting of research and dissemination of findings of research and other technical information in Veterinary and Animal Sciences including Dairy, Fisheries and allied sciences in the State of Gujarat.
Functions of Kamdhenu University
- To provide for education and instructions for undergraduate and post-graduate in veterinary and allied sciences and other branches of learning.
- To provide for conduct of research in veterinary and allied sciences and other branches of learning.
- To provide for dissemination of the findings of research, technology and technical information through extension education programmes
- To lay down courses of instruction for the various examinations.
- To hold examinations and to confer degrees, diplomas and other academic distinctions on persons who have pursued the approved courses of studies or have done research work in the University or in affiliated colleges or recognised institutions.
- To confer honorary degrees, diplomas and other academic distinctions as may be prescribed.
- To withdraw or cancel any degree, diploma and the academic distinctions conferred or granted by the University in the manner as may be prescribed.
- To provide for lectures, instruction and training to field workers, village leaders and other persons not enrolled as regular students of the University and to grant certificates to them as may be prescribed.
- To collaborate and co-operate with other Universities, and institutions in such manner and for such purposes as the University may determine.
- To establish and maintain colleges, schools, centres, Departments and Institutions relating to veterinary and allied sciences.
- To establish and maintain laboratories, libraries, research stations, institutions and museums for teaching, research and extension education.
- To create posts for teaching, research and extension education, administrative, ministerial and other purposes and to make appointment thereto.
- To institute and award fellowship, scholarships, stipends, medals, prizes and other awards.
- To establish, maintain and manage hostels and residential accommodations for students and staff of the University.
- To fix, demand, receive and recover such fees and other charges, as may be prescribed.
- To co-ordinate, supervise, regulate and control the residence, conduct and discipline of the students of the University, and to make arrangements for promoting their education, health and welfare.
- To make special provision for research and extension education in veterinary and allied sciences in relation to arid areas and areas prone to scarcity in the State of Gujarat.
- To institute and manage bureau of information and of employment for the benefit of students of the University.
- To make arrangement for training for competitive examinations for recruitment to services under the Government of India and the Slate Governments.
- To associate or admit educational institution with, or to the privileges of the University by way of affiliation, recognition or approval.
- To withdraw or modify either in whole or in part, affiliation, recognition or approval of educational institutions.
- To inspect colleges, recognised institutions and approved institutions and to take measures to ensure that proper standards of instruction, teaching and training are maintained in them and that adequate library and laboratory provisions are made therein.
- To lay down and regulate the scales of salaries and allowances and other conditions or service of the members of the teaching, other academic and non-teaching staff of the University. The scales of salaries and allowances shall be implemented with the approval of the State Government.
- To provide for the recognition of students' Unions or associations of teachers, academic staff or other employees of the University, affiliated colleges and recognised institutions.
- To hold and manage trusts and endowments.
- To do all such other acts and things incidental to the powers aforesaid as may be required in furtherance of the objects of the University.
Academic Programs of Kamdhenu University
- Diploma in Animal Husbandry (3 years)
- PG (Dairy Science)
- PG (Fisheries Sciences)
- PG (Veterinary Science)
- B.Tech Dairy Technology
Constituent Colleges/Institutes/Polytechnics of Kamdhenu University
- Polytechnic in Animal Husbandry, Rajpur (Nava), Himmatnagar
- Polytechnic in Animal Husbandry, Junagadh
- Polytechnic in Animal Husbandry, Navsari
- Polytechnic in Animal Husbandry, S.K. Nagar
- College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Anand
- College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Junagadh
- College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Navsari
- College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Sardarkrushinagar
- College of Dairy Science, Amreli
- Sheth M. C. College of Dairy Science, Anand
- Shri G. N. Patel College of Dairy Science,
- Sardarkrushinagar College of Fisheries Science, Veraval
- College of Fisheries Science, Navsari
- College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Anand
- College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Junagadh
- College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Navsari
- College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Sardarkrushinagar
- Sheth M. C. College of Dairy Science, Anand
- Shri G. N. Patel College of Dairy Science, Sardarkrushinagar
- College of Fisheries Science, Veraval
- Postgraduate Institute of Veterinary Education and Research, Rajpur (Nava), Himmatnagar
- College of Fisheries Science Rajpur (Nava), Himmatnagar
Research in Kamdhenu University
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for collaborative research has been signed with, CIRG, CIFE, CIFT, NDRI, NDDB, NRCC, RAJUVAS, IVRI and Keshav Gaushala.
Faculty of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry
- Assessment of optimum thermal humidity index for dairy cattle.
- Epidemiological surveillance of important diseases of cattle and buffaloes in milk shed area of Sabarkantha District.
- Study on animal husbandry practices of dairy animals in relation to women empowerment in Sabarkantha District.
- Dynamics of vaginal metabiota during estrous cycle and its association with reproductive hormones in Bubalus Bubalis.
Faculty of Dairy Science
- Development of Probiotic fortified Soy Food for the health and Nutritional Benefits of Elderly Population.
- Bio-Conjugation of Iron oxide/Gold Nanoparticles for the detection of Aflatoxin M1 in Milk.
- Development of Nano-tag and Thread based micro fluidic system biosensor for detection of Aflatoxin M1 in milk.
- Nanotechnology based dipstick for the instant detection of milk adulterants.
- Development of milk–beetroot based fiber enriched low calorie Burfi.
- Detection of oil adulteration in milk by chromatographic methods in-tandem with chromogenic methods.
- Process optimization of milk based peanut thabdi.
Faculty of Fisheries Science
- Complete Nutritional Profiling of a Few Locally Available Ingredients to Design Economically Viable Aqua Feed (AGRESCO Project).
- Comparative Study of Integrated Farming of Indian Major Carp With Muscle (Lamellidens Marginalis) and Indian Major Carp (AGRESCO Project).
- Growth Performance and Feed Utilization Using Alternative Lipid Source to Replace Valuable Fish Oil in the Diet of Oreochromisniloticus fry.
- Impact of Higher Salinities on Shrimp in Saurashtra Region.
- Development of Biofloc Using Selected Organic Carbon Sources and Its Effect on Survival and Growth Performance of Jayanti Rohu [Labeorohita (Hamilton, 1822)].
- Comparative Study of Jayanti Rohu and Rohu (Labeorohita (Hamilton, 1822) Under Biofloc System Using Selected Organic Carbon Sources.
- Molecular Characterization of Selected Seaweed Species Along Saurashtra Coast of Gujarat Using DNA Barcoding Technique.
Contact Details
Kamdhenu University
Kamdhenu University, Karmayogi Bhavan, Block-1
B1-wing, 4th Floor, Sector-10-A, Dist: Gandhinagar-382010 Gujarat, India.