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Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET)
Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre is a major National Programme initiated by the UGC in March 1991 with its Head Quarters at Gujarat University Campus. Initially started as a project under the IUCAA, it became an independent Inter-University Centre in June 1996. INFLIBNET is involved in modernizing university libraries in India using the state-of-art technologies for the optimum utilisation of information. INFLIBNET is set out to be a major player in promoting scholarly communication among academicians and researchers in India.
Objectives of INFLIBNET
The primary objectives of INFLIBNET as envisaged in Memorandum of Association are:
- To promote and establish communication facilities to improve capability in information transfer and access, that provide support to scholarship, learning, research and academic pursuit through cooperation and involvement of agencies concerned.
- To establish INFLIBNET: Information and Library Network a computer communication network for linking libraries and information centres in universities, deemed to be universities, colleges, UGC information centres, institutions of national importance and R & D institutions, etc. avoiding duplication of efforts.
- to provide reliable access to document collection of libraries by creating on-line union catalogue of serials, theses/ dissertations, books, monographs and non-book materials (manuscripts, audio-visuals, computer data, multimedia, etc.) in various libraries in India:
- to provide access to bibliographic information sources with citations, abstracts, etc. through indigenously created databases of the Sectoral Information Centres of NISSAT, UGC Information Centres, City Networks and such others and by establishing gateways for on-line accessing of national and international databases held by national and international information networks and centres respectively;
- to develop new methods and techniques for archival of valuable information available as manuscripts and information documents in difference Indian languages, in the form of digital images using high density storage media;
- to optimize information resource utilization through shared cataloguing, inter-library loan service, catalogue production, collection development and thus avoiding duplication in acquisition to the extent possible;
- to enable the users dispersed all over the country, irrespective of location and distance, to have access to information regarding serials, theses/dissertation, books, monographic and non-book materials by locating the sources wherefrom available and to obtain it through the facilities of INFLIBNET and union catalogue of documents;
- to create databases of projects, institutions, specialists, etc. for providing on-line information service;
- to encourage co-operation among libraries, documentation centres and information centres in the country, so that the resources can be poled for the benefit of helping the weaker resource centres by stronger ones; and
- to train and develop human resources in the field of computerized library operations and networking to establish, manage and sustain INFLIBNET.
- To facilitate academic communication amongst scientist, engineers, social scientists, academics, faculties, researchers and students through electronic mail, file transfer, computer/audio/video conferencing, etc
- To undertake system design and studies in the field of communications, computer networking, information handling and data management;
- To establish appropriate control and monitoring system for the communication network and organize maintenance;
- To collaborate with institutions, libraries, information centres and other organizations in India and abroad in the field relevant to the objectives of the Centre;
- To promote R&D and develop necessary facilities and create technical positions for realizing the objectives of the Centre;
- To generate revenue by providing consultancies and information services; and
- To do all other such things as may be necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the above objectives.
Mission and Vision of INFLIBNET
- Leveraging on the latest technology, create a virtual network of people and resources in academic institutions with an aim to provide effective and efficient access to knowledge through preserverance, innovation and collaboration.
- Provide seamless, reliable and ubiquitous access to scholarly, peer-reviewed electronic resources to the academic community in all educational institutions with a focus on services and tools, processes and practices that support its effective use and increase value of this information.
- Build and strengthen ICT infrastructure in educational institutions with value-added services.
- Develop tools, techniques and procedures for secure and convenient access management enabling users to access information in electronic format from any where, anytime.
- Develop resource selection guides and online tutorials for effective delivery and usage of e-resources.
- Facilitate creation of open access digital repositories in every educational institutions for hosting educational and research contents created by these institutions.
E Consortium
Based on the recommendation of an Expert Committee, the MHRD has formed e-ShodhSindhu merging three consortia initiatives, namely UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium, NLIST and INDEST-AICTE Consortium.
The Project entitled "National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content (N-LIST)", being jointly executed by the e-ShodhSindhu Consortium, INFLIBNET Centre and the INDEST-AICTE Consortium, IIT Delhi provides for i) cross-subscription to e-resources subscribed by the two Consortia, i.e. subscription to INDEST-AICTE resources for universities and e-ShodhSindhu resources for technical institutions; and ii) access to selected e-resources to colleges. The N-LIST project provides access to e-resources to students, researchers and faculty from colleges and other beneficiary institutions through server(s) installed at the INFLIBNET Centre. The authorized users from colleges can now access e-resources and download articles required by them directly from the publisher's website once they are duly authenticated as authorized users through servers deployed at the INFLIBNET Centre.
How to join NLIST
Colleges, desirous of accessing e-resources, are required to register themselves with the N-LIST. Visit the N-LIST Website and click on Register on the navigation bar. Fill-in the Registration Form online and submit it.
- All Govt aided colleges covered under Section 12B of UGC Act are eligible to access e-resources through the N-LIST programme.
- Non-Aided colleges (except Agriculture, Engineering, Management, Medical, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nursing) can get benefit from the N-LIST by joining the programme.
- Registered colleges covered under 12B section of UGC are required to pay fee.
- Non aided Colleges registered for NLIST Programme are also required to payfee.
- The period of membership is valid from April to March every financial year.
INFOPORT: INFLIBNET Subject Gateway for Indian Electronic-Resources
The INFLIBNET Centre promotes open access to Indian scholarly content through the InfoPort: A Subject Gateway for Indian Electronic-Resources. While Centre uses and promotes Intute, a well-known subject gateway developed by MIMAS, UK, the InfoPort is designed and developed to serve as a comprehensive gateway to all Indian scholarly content.
The InfoPort covers Internet resources of Indian origin in the following categories:
- Electronic books, electronic journals and reference sources including dictionaries, directories, maps etc.;
- Institutional repositories, resource gateway, etc.
- Wikis, blogs, etc.;
- Teaching and learning website;
- Lecture Notes, Magazines,:
- Portals;
- Audio, video and other multimedia learning resources;
- Libraries, archives and museums;
- News and media services including newspapers, online news services,;
- Websites listing current events and activities;
- Websites of Major Research projects, especially those supported by national funding bodies such as UGC, DST, DBT, AICTE, MHRD, DOT, etc.;
- Teaching and learning projects website, especially those receiving Government funding;
- Universities, colleges, Research and Development Labs, institutions and e-learning websites.
- Indian publishers and subscription agents; and
- Listservs and discussion groups, especially those having online archives.
Shodhganga: a reservoir of Indian Theses
Theses and dissertations are known to be the rich and unique source of information, often the only source of research work that does not find its way into various publication channels. Theses and dissertations remain an un-tapped and under-utilized asset, leading to unnecessary duplication and repetition that, in effect, is the anti-theses of research and wastage of huge resources, both human and financial.
Online availability of electronic theses through centrally-maintained digital repositories, not only ensure easy access and archiving of Indian doctoral theses but will also help in raising the standard and quality of research. This would overcome serious problem of duplication of research and poor quality resulting from the "poor visibility" and the "unseen" factor in research output.
"Shodhganga" is the name coined to denote digital repository of Indian Electronic Theses and Dissertations set-up by the INFLIBNET Centre. The word "Shodh" originates from Sanskrit and stands for research and discovery. The "Ganga" is the holiest, largest and longest of all rivers in Indian subcontinent. The Ganga is the symbol of India's age-long culture and civilisation, ever changing, ever-flowing, ever-loved and revered by its people, and has held India's heart captive and drawn uncounted millions to her banks since the dawn of history. Shodhganga stands for the reservoir of Indian intellectual output stored in a repository hosted and maintained by the INFLIBNET Centre.
ShodhGangotri : Repository of Indian Research in Progress details (Synopses/Research Proposals for PhD programme)
The word “Shodh” originates from Sanskrit and stands for “research and discovery”. “Gangotri” is one of the largest glacier in the Himalayas and source of origination of Ganges, the holiest, longest and largest of rivers in India. The Ganges is the symbol of age-long culture, civilization, ever-aging, ever-flowing, ever-loving and loved by its people.
Under the initiative called “ShodhGangotri”, research scholars / research supervisors in universities are requested to deposit electronic version of approved synopsis submitted by research scholars to the universities for registering themselves for the Ph.D programme. The repository on one hand, would reveal the trends and directions of research being conducted in Indian universities, on the other hand it would avoid duplication of research. Synopsis in “ShodhGangotri” would later be mapped to full-text theses in "ShodhGanga". As such, once the full-text thesis is submitted for a synopsis, a link to the full-text theses would be provided from ShodhGangotri to "ShodhGanga".
An expert having Post-Graduate / Doctorate degree in their respective subject with more than 10 years of professional experience. National / International Awardee, citation Laureates and Assistant Professor, Associate Professor / Professor / Senior Scientist or equivalent positions in teaching & research can join in VIDWAN expert database.
Centrally funded institutes can join to implement IRINS instance for their respective institutes.
IndCat is an online Union Catalogue of Books, Theses and Serials of major university/institute libraries in India. The IndCat contains bibliographic information, location and holdings of Books, Theses and Serials. All the universities and institutions across the country are encouraged to submit bibliographic records of their library catalogue to IndCat.
Contact Details
Information and Library Network Centre
Infocity, Gandhinagar-382007
Gujarat, INDIA.